
Showing posts from August, 2018

Preposition | Between | it's usage

BETWEEN It is a compound preposition. It is used with two person or things. It is also used when some things happens between two persons or any Number of persons taken in pairs. Its old form betwixt. USAGE: 1. Bob is sitting between Tom and Peter. 2. January comes between December and February. 3. Friday is between Thursday and Saturday. 4. There was running race between a hare and a tortoise. 5. Sevencomes between six and eight. 6. Tha take was going on between the teacher and student. 7. My nose is between my two eyes. 8. He shared his property between his two sons. 9. Let us divide the space between us two. 10. There are a great many differences between animals and machines. 11. There was miss understanding between Paul and Peter for a long time. 12. Harry pleased lamp between the chair and the table. 13. There are many similarities between the camera and the eye. 14. What are the differences between democracy and monarchy. 15. This war watch fought in between ...

Dagdha Vrana (burns), Shalya tantra

DAGDHA VRANA  Susruta has explained two major varities of burns viz an ideal therapeutic burn (created by the surgeon, as in agni karma, for releif from diseases) and accidental burns viz due to excesgive exposure to sun, extreme cold and other external factors. Ideal therapeutic burn (samyak dagdha) is the burn which is created during therapeutic procedures, features of which are explained under the chapter of chemical & thermal cauterization. Other type of burn. i.e. accidental burns. may be caused due to various external causes, or during therapeutic procedures due to carelessness on the part of the operating surgeon. These are of various kinds like- (1) Plusta dagdha- A condition where there is discolouration (redness) and severe burning sensation in a burnt area, it is called plusta dagdha. (1st degree burns) (2) Durdagdha- There is eruption of vesicles/blebs, associated with severe burning sensation, redness, inflammation, pain; the wound takes long time to hea...

Peptic Ulcers, Shalya Tantra, BAMS 4th Year

PEPTIC ULCERS : For the causation of peptic ulcers, a state of increased secretion of acid as well as pepsin, is a pre-requiste. Patients with duodenal ulcer have a higher average pepsin level within the gastric juice. Common location- Peptic ulcers commonly occur in the lesser curvature of the stomach and first part of duodenum. Also, in oesophagus & Meckel's diverticulum. Clinically, a distinctive diagnosis of acute'and chronic peptic ulcers is difficult. Symptoms vary based on the conditions viz., whether the ulceration of gastric and duodenal mucosa is superficial or deep. Both are important as both can perforate and bleed. Inspite of great research works, the cause for peptic ulceration remains a mystery. Though it is clear that increased acid levels leads to peptic ulceration as in example Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, in certain subjects the acid levels are normal or in some cases lower than normal levels. Therefore increased acid levels is not the only c...


The Voice of VIVEKANANDA  1. Man comes from God in the beginning, in the middle he becomes man, and in the end he goes back to God. 2. He is an Acharya through whom the Divine Power acts. 3. According to Karma Yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed, until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results. 4. Know it for certain that there is no greater Tirtha (holy spot) than the body of man. Nowhere else is the Atman so manifest as here. 5. This world is just a gymnasium in Which we play; our life is an eternal holiday. 6. Strength is the one thing needful. Strength is the medicine for the world’s disease. And nothing gives such strength as the idea of Monism. 7. Despondency is not religion, Whatever else it may be. By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you nearer to God, near than any prayer.

Arbuda/Tumors, Shakya tantra

  ARBUDA (TUMOURS) Development of arbuda: (Su.Sam.Ni 11/13) Aggravated dosa, accumulate, vitiate mamsa etc and lead to the development of a rounded, fixed, large, deep rooted, slow growing, non-inflammatory swelling associated with mild pain. Such a swelling is termed arbuda. Classification (1) Vataja arbuda  (4) Raktaja (2) Pittaja              (5) Mémsaja (3) 'Kaphaja.        (6) Medoja arbuda The symptoms produced in each of these variety are similar to those produced in various granthi roga. Raktarbuda- The vitiated, aggravated dosa in turn Vitiate rakta and then localise in the vessels. By narrowing their passages and obstructing the flow of blood, the dosa cause the development of  a rapidly growing swelling, covered with fleshy sprouts and which readily bleeds on touch etc. This is termed raktarbuda. This condition is incurable. Owing to continuous haemorrhage the person suffers from anaemia e...