Introduction to Panchakarma

Introduction to Panchakarma-
       Ayurveda has an incontrovertible acceptance worldwide. Ayurvedic treatment comprises of two major specialities i.e, Samshodhan and Samshamana chikitsa. Panchakarma treatment is basically bio cleansing regimen intended to eliminate the toxic elements from the body and their by enhance immunity of the body. It has a great importance in Ayurveda.

      Among Ashtang Ayurveda kayachikitsa stands first and it has been considered as treatment criteria for sarvanga Samshrita vyadhis. So for all Kaya Chikitsa rogas Panchakarma is considered as best Sadhanopaya. It is not only a part of Kaya Chikitsa but also can be considered as Swatantra vigyana.

     Panchakarma treatment is believed to help in radical elimination of the diseases causing factors and maintains equilibrium of doshas.


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