Gynaecomastia, Shakya Tantra


When there is a breast-like swelling in the males, the condition is termed gynaecomastia. Though the breast may be enlarged, the areola and nipple may not show the characteristic feminine features. This maybe unilateral or bilateral. Slight swelling of breasts in adolescent boys is sometimes a common feature. This is secondary to hormonal changes, typical of adolescence.

Oestrogen excess or defeciency of testosterone or testicular failure or drugs with oestrogenic activity etc are the main aetiological factors.

The main complaint of the patient is generally a unilateral enlargement of breast with no associated symptoms. Sometimes this abnormal enlargement maybe associated with pain.


Many times the disease resolves on its own. Hence one can wait to observe the regression of the condition. But if the condition is due to deficiency of testosterone, its administration can ensure regression of the enlargement. If the exact reason cannot be identified and if regression cannot be observed, then mastectetomy is the indicated surgical management.


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