Uthsangini/ Uthsangini, Varthma Rogas, Shalakya Tantra


(Chalazian cyst or meibomian cyst or Tarsal cyst) “ It is varthmaja Tridoshaja Iekhana sadhya vyadhi “

Signs symptoms :

One or multiple cysts originates commonly in the lower eye lid, if multipule cysts present the bigger cyst is encircled with others. (multiple chalazia.)

Description :

a) Abhyanthara Mukhi :The Cyst opens toward the internal surface of eye iid (towards palpebral Conjunctiva)

B) Bahya uthsanga :Cystic swelling is seen through the skin of eye lid
c) Adho Varthma :Commonly originates in the lower eye lid

d) Kathina :Hard Cyst
e) Manda vedana with slight pain

f) Sraveth sraavam Kukkutanda rasopama :Discharges fluid resembling egg yolk After suppuration or after incision,

Vagbhath ;Red pitica arises due to raktha vitiation, among them a big pitica is encircled with the small piticas. He called it as uthsang.

(Summary :One or multiple cystic swellings originates commonly in lower eye lid, swelling appears through the skin of eye lid but cyst opens towards paipebral conjunctiva, it flows egg yolk like fluid after suppuration or incision, is known as Uthsangini).

Chikitsa : Lekhana Sadhya Vyadhi

Pitica if bigger Non suppurative (Apakwa) chedhana followed by Lekhana has to do pitica if smaller suppurative (pakwa) Bhedhana followed by Lekhana has to do.

After pradhana karma :(Pashchath Karma)

1) Swedanam and
2) Prathisarana has to do with manashila kaseesa shunti maricha pippali rasanjana saindhava lavana + madhu, after 5-10 minutes,
3) prakshalana with Lukewarm water, then
4) Ghritha sekam & Bandhanam (Vranopachara has to do)


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