Introduction to Kayachikitsa

Introduction to Kayachikitsa

Kayachikitsa is one of the most important topics of the eight branches or Ashtangas of Ayurveda.

Historical Development

People living at the foot of the Himalayas started suffering from various diseases due to improper food, and air and water pollution. To find out the solution for treating these diseases, the first infernational conference of scientists from adjoining countries was organized. Three scientists were chosen from the conference to interview the Himalayan Gods to learn the knowledge ofAyurveda. These three scientists were  Atreya, Kashyapa and Dhanvantari.

Atreya mainly studied Kayachikitsa or Internal Medicine, Kashyapa learned Gynecology and Pediatrics, and Dhanvantri mastered the Science of Surgery. The Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhata or Ashtanga Sangraha, are known as ‘Brihat Trayi’ are three importanttexts.

The six disciples of Atreya who developed. the school of medicine (Atreya-sampradaya), namely Agriivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita and Ksharapani wrote their own separate texts. Of these the Agnivesha Samhita was well accepted. This was revised, edited and supplemented, about 800 years later by Charaka.

In the next era, 1000-700 BC, 8 recognized branches or specialties (Ashtanga Ayurveda) were developed.

(1) Kaya Chikitsa: Internal Medicine

(2) Bala Chikitsa: Kaumara Bhritya: Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics-Kashyapa Samhita

(3) Graha Childtsa : Psychology, Parasychology and treatment according to Daiva-vyapashraya Chikitsa.

(4) Urdhwanga Chikitsa : Shalakya Chikitsa : Ear, Nose and Throat diseases and diseases of eye and other diseases affecting head and neck.

(5) Shalya Chikitsa : Surgery

(6) Danshtra Chikitsa : Agada Tantra-Treatment of poisons due to bite of posionous animals.

(7) Jara or Rasayana Chikitsa : Rejuvenation

(8) Vrishya or Vajikarana : Treatment for improving sexual power and for achieving better progeny.

Out ofthese branches, Kayachiktsa gained more popularity. Kaya means body/mind or agni and chikitsa means treatment procedures. Kayachikitsa is the treatment of physical and psychological diseases like jwara (fever or pyrexia) etc. Most of the bodily diseases are the result of the disorder of agni or metabolism. It can therefore be labeled as Internal Medicine.

Panchakarma or five purificatory procedures, science of rejuvenation and vajikarana or the science for achieving better progeny and improving sexual power are the sub branches of Kayachikitsa. In western world, all these branches are becoming more and more popular and lot of research is also done on these topics.

Many people believe that healing process is inheritant in each individual and this can be supplimented by various therapies or procedures. These alteranative methods are also gaining popularity all over the World. The basic principle of major alternative medical systems is to achieve the balance in the energy of the body Which controls all the physical and psychological functions of the body. Although the human body is the same every alternative system has different opinion about these energy factors. Yoga explains it in terms of ‘nadi’, Chinese medicine explains the same in terms of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ etc. However balancing once achieved creates health and this has been observed by thousnads of people all over the world. Hence every Ayurvedic physician should study these methods like acupuncture, magnet therapy, qigong, ozone therapy, reflexology etc.

For any successful treatment, not only good diagnosis and physician With good moral character are required, but efffective medicines with less side effects are also important. Ayurveda uses many herbal, mineral, metalic, animal products and sea products as medicines. Scientific research on all these medicines is being done all over India in various Institutes. Many Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical companies are also joining in this venture along With Universities and other Instltutes.


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