Kaphaja Shirah Shoola, Shiro Roga, Shalakya Tantra

KAPHAJ SHIRAH SHOOLA. (Headache due to Cold and Sinusitis.) 

Excessive sleeping, sitting, intake of heavy bulk oily food etc. causes the Kapha dosha vitiation. The Vitiated Kapha dosha causes headache, heavyness, rigidity, coldness of hands and body, Oedema of Face and eye ball. The head and throat appears as lined with thick sputum.

The disease (headache) is severe at nights and minimum at day time . it is controlled by Hot therapy (ushnopachar) and by kapha hara treatment principles.

Charak added Tandra Alasya and Aruchi
Vagbhat added Mandaruja, karnaKandooyan and Vaman.

Treatment Principles :

1) Ghrita pana
2) Upavasa,
3) Ruksha Ushna Sweda,
4) Vaman with Katu Dravya.
5) Pradaman nasya
6) Teekshna Gandoosha
7) Teekshna dhooma pana.
8) Anjan,
9) Lepa,
10) Rakthamokshan
11) Daha Karma,
12) Kapha hara Aahara Vihar
(Trikatu, Yava, Yavakshara, Patola, yoosha, Kulutta, Mudga, Purana Ghritha, honey, intake of light non-oleus and hot food, intake of katu Tikta Kashayarasa, doing exercise, avoiding of diva swapna, lceCreams, fridge items, sweets and curd etc.
13) Teekshna Vasti.

|) External applications (Lepa) 

1) Saraladi Lepam (sarala Kusta, Devadaru, iata karanja, rohisha truna, Apamarga, Lavan should be grinded with water).
2) Pathyadi, Lepam (Hareetaki . shunthi, musta, yastimadu, shatapushpi, neelkamal + water).
3) Devadarvyadi lepam (Devadaru, Tagara, Kusta, jatamamsi, shunthi + Taila Or Kanji).
4) Shunthyadi Lepam (Shunthi, Kusta, Devadaru, Chakramarada beeja + mahisha Mootra).
5) Krushnadi Lepam (Pippaii, Shunthi, musta, Yastimadu shatapushpa, Neelkamal , Kusta + Water).
6) Harenu, Tagara, shiiajith, Musta, Agaru, Ela, Devadaru, jatamamsi, Rasna, Erenda Moola.

ll) Nasya Yoga : 
1) or pradaman Nasya (Teekshna Rechan Nasya) with madhuksar, churna
2) 'lngudi Twacha churna
3) Katphaia churna,
4) Mesha Srungi Churna,
5) Arkadi Churna,
6) Trikatu Churna,
7) Vidanga Churna.

Ill) Dhooma Pana: with the varthi prepared from
1) lngudee
2) Meshashrungi
3) Erenda moola Agaru, guggulu, chandan, Jatamamsi and kshouma Vastra.

IV) Gandoosha : with teekshna ushna kaphahara decoctions like Trikatu Kashaya.
V) Daha Karma:'ln vataj and Kaphaj disorders daha Karma is suggested at Bhru Shankha and Lalata.

|V)Anjan:Teekshna Anjan Or Lekhana anjan Like Chandrodaya varthi is used.

In Brief :

1) Purana ghritha pana,
2) Ruksha Sweda,
3) Vamana,
4) Teekshna nasya,
5) Teekshna vasti ,
6) Teekshna Gandoosha,
7) Dhooma pana
8) Anjan,
9) Daha karma
10) Local applications.

Common Remedies :

1) Kanchanara guggulu
2) Nimbadi guggulu
3) Triphala guuguiu
4) vidangadi guggulu
5) Khadhiradi Vati,
6) Trijathakadi Vati,
7) Eladivati,
8) Ekangaveer Has,
9) Maha Iakshmi vilas ras
10) Sutasekar ras,
11) Godanthi Bhasma + Spatica bhasma.
12) Talisadi Churna
13) Shrungyadi Bhasma
14) Tankan bhasma
15) Arka Lavan,
16) Seetamshu ras,
17) Anand bhiiravi ras ,
18) Mruthyumjaya ras,
19) Tribhuvan Keerti ras,
20) Kaphahara KsharaLavana Bhasma etc.


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