Pittaja Shira Shoola, Shirodkar Rogas, Shalakya Tantra


A person who takes katu Amla kshara food excessively, and have the anger and
fear, exposure to over heat etc. causes the pitta dosha vitiation and manifest
severe burning pain in the head eyes nose and throat ‘'Dhoomayan Agnidagdha Vath Peeda”.
The patient feels comfort by cool therapy (Sheetopachar) and at nights.

Additional points of Vabhata-
Burning pain, Fever, Virtigo, Sweating and Finally causes unconsciousness.

Teatment : 

Note: Pittaja and Raktaja shirah shoola contain similar treatment principles
1) Rakta and pitta dosha hara Chikitsa
2) Panchakarma except Vamana.
3) Seka: with ghee or Milk or sugar cane juice or Honey sugarwater or Kanji or decoctions of Sheetha Veerya Aushada Like uthpaiadi, Kakolyadi drugs.

4) Lepa : (External application of the medicine)

a) Amalakyadi Lepa.
b) With the paste of Nala, Vetas, Uthphala, musta Swetha chandan, Padmaka, Vamshi, Doorva, Yastimadu, Kamala + Water + Ghee.
c) With the paste of Chandana Yastimadu, Bala, V Yaghranakhee, usheera, Katmala + Water + Milk. d) With the paste of Shatavari, Kusta, Krishna tila, yastimadu, Kamala, punarnava + Milk.
e) With the paste of Lamajjak, usheera, Chandana, Anjan, muktha, gyrica + Water. f) with the paste of Kusta, Tagara, uthphala, chandana, + Ghritha;

5) Aastapana Vasti Or Niruha Vasti, with the Milk prepared with uthphaladi drugs.

6) Anuvasan Vasti Or sneha Vasti.
a) with Ksheera sarpi
b) Kakolyadi Ghritha

7) Mrudu Virchan : 

By the oral administration of Ghee prepared with Draksha, Triphala, lkshurasa and Milk.
8) Shiro Abhyanga. With Himamshu taila, Hi’masagar taila and Shatadhoutha Ghritha.
9) Shiro Vasti:With Ghee Or milk. (Plain or medicated)

10) Panaka ( Drinks) 

a) Kesara, Mishree, Ghee and Milk.
b) Parpataka 6 grams, dhaniya 6 grams. draksha 6 grams, mishree 48 grams, water 120 grams. and 12 grams Gulab arka.
c) Shadanga Paneeya + Sugar.
(d) Sheeta Kashaya of Draksha Or Kharjura and Sugar.

11) Nasya Yogas. 

1) Ksheeri Sarpi.
2) Kakolyadi Ghritha Or taila.
3) Uthphaladi ghritha Or taila.
4) medicated ghee prepared with Vasa of Jangala Animals.
5) Yastimadu Chandan Sariba ksheera Ghritha.
6) Yastimadu Ksheera sarpi.,
7) Yastimadu. Draksha, Mishree and Ghee.
8) Shaman Nasya with Brumhana, Sheeta Veerya drugs.

12) Oral Remedies. 

1) Swarna Malini Vasant ras.
2) Chandra Kala ras.
3) muktabhasma.
4) Shunthi bhasma.
6) Makshika bhasma
7) Varata bhasma,
8) The medicated ghee prepared with Sharkara, Kumkum, ghrita etc.
9). Sheetha kashaya prepared with Chandana Or useera Or Draksha etc.
10). Triphala Guggulu
11) Amrutadi Guggulu.
12) Nimbadi guggulu.
13) Lagusuthasekararas.
14) Chandanadi Vati.
15) Yastimadu churna, Aamalaki churna, Triphala Churna, Pancha Valkala Churna, Truna Panchamoola, Vasa, Nimba, Usheera, musta, amrutha, Chandan, Nagakshara Draksha Parpataka, Padmak, uthphala etc. drugs can be used according to the necessity.


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