
Are dry, rough excerscence on the skin.

It is a virus indused toumer that undergoes spontanous resolustion.

Transmission is by direct or intimate contact, the various matereal usually being inoculated through an  abrassion.

 It is observed that immino compromised pationts generally appear on site of trauma viz bearded area, hand, feet and genital region.

Wharts are common in chidren, but can be seen in any age.

They maybe sometimes associated with pain.

Planter warts are multiple andsome times associated with pain.

Plantar warts are multiple and sometimes affect mobility as well.

Though many methods of management are available, complete cure is sometimes not possible. Surgical excision is associated with  scarring and reoccurence.

Diathermygive god results  along with cryotherapy.

Veneral warts and moist warts occur in the genital region.


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