Watering of eye (Netra Sravas)/ Epiphora Lacrimation, Shalakya Tantra


a) Epiphora : -Means watering of eyes due to obstruction to out flow of tears through lacrimal apparatus into inferior meatus of 'nose b) Lacrimation means watering of eyes to excessive secretion of tears.

Causes of epiphora 

1) Stenosis of the punctum, particularly the lower punctum either Congenitally or Acquired
2) Evertion of the lower punctum due to laxity of orbicularis occuli muscle as in old age, facial paralysis and ectropion.
3) Obstruction in Lacrimal canaliculi due to calculus or infection by Fungus etc.
4) obstruction in the sac due to tumour of the sac or following removal of the sac.
5) Obstruction in the nasoLacrimal duct due to chronic dacryo cystitis, nasal polyp, maxillary antrum tumour which is pressing on the duct.


1) Reflex causes :
(a) Due to sensory stimulation of the structures of the eye ball.

eg :corneal foreign body, corneal ulcer, Keratitis, exposure to dust, smoke or irritant gasses.

(b) Due to stimulation of optic nerve, eg : Exposure to “ bright light .” etc
(c) Due to stimulation of the sensory nerves of the eye muscles.
eg :Eye strain.
(d) Due to stimulation of the nasal mucosa. eg: Nasal catarrh.

2) Action of parasympatho mimetic drugs     eg:Piioca'rpine and physostigmin.

3) Diseases of Lacrimal gland
4) Emotional & Psychical effects.


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