Sannipathaj Shirah Shoola

All the mixed signs and symptoms of Tridosha present.


  • Tridosha hara chikitsa.
  • Oral intake of purana ghritha or thriphala ghritha.
  • Nasya yoga-
  1. Hot milk + Shunthi
  2. Jeevakadi- Shatahvadi Tails 
  3. Madan Phala, shigru beeja, kusta, Tila, jatamamsi, tutta etc. drugs
  4. Karanja, Shunthi, Shigrubeeja, vacha, milk and sugar.
  • Lepa ( Luke warm applications) with,
  1. Swetha Chandana, karpoora, Sarina, priyang, haridra, Shunthi and old rice.
  2. Priyang, Ananthmool, Nishotha, Shunthi, Chandan.
  3. Kusta, Shunthi, Yastimadu, shatapushpi, Kamal, pippali.


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