Bahala Varthma / Multiple Chalazian, Shalakya Tantra


It is Varthmaja Rakthaja Lekhana Sadhya vyadhi


Hard (kathina), same coloured and same sized papules Originates in the eye lid completely and causes the eye lid thicker, is known as Bahala varthma.

Chikitsa :Lekhana Sadhya Vyadhi.

1)Murudu Sweda
2) Pracchana
3) Lekhana and
4) Pratisarana

After 5 to 10 minutes
5) Ushnodaka prakshalana
6) Ghritha sekam and Bandhana, has to do

(Pratisarana dravyas are Manashila, Kaseesa, Shunti, Marcha, Pippali, rasanjana, Saindhava lavana + madhu)

Note :
Specific site of the disease is not mentioned so it can be correlated to muliple chalazia or follicular conjunctivitis or A form of trachoma


It is a chronic inflammatory granuloma of meibomian gland. (Tarsal glands)

The staphylococcus is the commonest organism that enters into meibomian gland through its duct, as a result of Iow grade infection, the glandular tissue of the gland is replaced by granular tissue, leads to enlargement of the glandthe glandular secretion is jelly like (Fatty). If more then one cyst develops it is called as multiple chalazia.

Low grade infection often associatas with refractive errors.

SYMPTOMS :Slight heavyness, pain or irritation ,

(The symptoms depending on the size of the cyst)

1) Small cystic or hard swelling, in the size of a pea, on the eye lid,

a little distance away from the lid margin.

2) Swelling is fixed to the tarsus. skin is free with no signs of inflammation.

3) Tarsal conjunctiva is velvety or purple.

4) if the duct is affected the swelling is seen at the lid margin.

5) If it is secondarily infected called as internal Hordeolum;

Treatment :

1)A very small chalazian may under go resolution.

2)Hot fomentation is suggestive.

3)Antibiotics Local as well as systemic, (Sulfonamideschloremphenicoi)

4)Bigger chalazian should be incised vertically under local anaesthesia and granulation tissue should be scooped out.

5) Very hard chalazia (comming at canthus) should be exicsed (very rare).

6)The bigger and recurrently arising cyst has to send for Histology to elicit the carcinoma (rare).


  1. It is very informative and useful information for all. Thanks for
    sharing this infomation.Saindhava Lavana


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