Krimija Shiro Roga, Shiro Roga, Shalakya tantra


A person who is habitated to take the food which is uncompatible,

indigested undigested, excessive, un hygienic, sweety, sticky, like Tile Guda dadhi Oieus substances etc, causes tridosha vitiation. The Vltiated Trldosha produce Krimi in the shiras ahd causes terrific headache by eroding the soft tissue flesh and blood of shiras.

Sushrutha :- A person experiences pricking and cutting type of pain in the head and also experiences that Krimi is eroding or eating the brain tissue. The associated symptoms are nasal blood stained discharge and discomfort.

Vagbhata : Tridosha vitiate and produces the krimi in the shiras that destructs the flesh, soft tissue and blood and causesterrific pain in the head. The associated symptoms are Manovibrama (confusion state) Fever, cough, general debility, Oedema, roughness of body, cutting pricking throbbing burning type of pain, itching sensation at head palate and the scalp, Tinnitus, Foul smel and blood stained nasal discharge etc.

Treatment :

1) Krimi hara chikitsa

2) Nasya with blood, the Krimi get unconscious and come out through nose, by special techniques Krimi should be removed.

3) Rechan. Nasya with
a) Vidangadi Taila (Vidanga, Sarjaras, Danthi, Hing, gomutra and tila Taila).
b) with vidanga, maricha, shigru beeja, Apamarga beeja + Go mutra.
c) with Trikatu, shigru, Tulsi + Go mutra Or Aja Mutra.
d) Nasyam with Vidanga + Aja Ksheera

 4) Dhoopan with Krimighna drugs, dried Fish etc.,

5) Raktha Mokshana is contra indicated.


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