Kshayaja Shiro Roga (Shiro Shoola)


The Kapha dosha, Raktha dosha and Vasa get reduced (kshayam),head is injured and produces a terrific complicated headache known as Kshayaja
shirah shoola.

The disease aggravates by sweda (Sudatlon), Vaman ( Emesis), Nasya, Rakthamokshan (Blood letting process) and Dhoompana (medicated smoking) why because all these are shodhan karma cause depletion of dosha and dhathu, allready there is dhathu kshaya in this disease, so only all the above pancha Karma therapies are contra indicated.

According to Charak :
Vata pitta kapha doshas are depleted and cause derangement of the normal functions of Shiras, so only produces terrific headache.

The common symptoms are headache, bodypains, vertigo, lightness in the head and body, general debility and unconsciousness.

Treatment :

1) Brumhana Chikitsa.
2) Ora! intake of ghee and milk.
3) Oral administration of Ashwagandadi ghritha,vasaghritha, Pancha tikta Ghritha, Brahmi ghritha, Ghee + Guda or sharka'ra.

4) Brumhana or shamana Nasya w'ith Ksheeri Sarpi, Vidarigandhadi, uthphaladi, Kakolyadi ghritha.

5) Kshayaja Kasa kshaya (raja yakshma) treatment should be give.

6) Oral remedies:
Muktha bhasma, pravala bhasma, Vajra bhasma, Vykranth bhasma, Makshika bhasma, Godanthi bhasma, Abraka bhasma, Vasanth Malathi ras, Vasantha Kusumakar ras, Ekangaveeras, Swarna and maha Lakshmi Vilas ras, shilajith, Arogyavardiniras and other Rasayan yogas should be give.

Churna -Ghritha Avalehya Aasava Arista etc.

Ashwagandha Churna, shatavari Churna, Vidarikand Churna, Chopacheenyadi Churna, Amrutha Satwa, Kapikacchu Churna, Yastimadu Churna Triphala Churna etc. Neurotic drugs; Vasavalehya Ashagandhava lehya, Herakaprash, chyavanaprash Avalehya; Draksha Khajura etc., mantha; Vasa Patola Ashwagandhadi etc ghritas; usheera Chandana Dhanyaka etc. Sheeta kashaya; Ashwagandharista, Balarista, Rasnadi guath etc. will correct the debilitative factors and promote immunity to the body.


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