KUMBHEEKA PITICA, Kumbhee Pitica, Stye or zeis gland cyst or External Hordeolum,Shalakya tantra

Kumbhee Pitica (Vagbhata) 
(Stye or zeis gland cyst or External Hordeolum).

It is varthmaja sannipathaja Lekhana Sadhya vyadhi.

Description :Small papules (cysts) resembling the seeds of pomegranate fruit (Kumbheeka beeja Sadrusha pitica) originates in the eye Iid margin (Varthmantha pitica), suppurates (get pakwam), discharges the fluid and bulges again (Admapayanthi bhinna).

Vagbhata : Called it as Kumbhee pitica that originates in varthma due to vitiation of pitta dosha, the colour of pitica is RED AT FIRST AND THEN BECOMES BLACK.

Chikitsa :Lekhana sadhya vyadhi.
A) Sushrutha’s Treatment principle is like Uthsangini.

B) Vagbhata’s Treatment principle is as follows := 1) Lekhana 2) pratisarana 3) sekam with Aamalaki yastimadu, patola kwatha and ghritha.

Note :
1) If is the cystic swelling of zeis gland that develops at the eye iid margin, known as multiple stye or External Hordeolum

2) Some body has commented it as chaiazian (meibomian cyst ) it so that may be marginal chalazian cyst that occurs at lid margins due to obstruction of duct of meibomian gland.


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