Lagana/Bahana/Alabama, Chalazian Cyst- Meibomian Cyst- Tarsal cyst, Shalakya Tantra

Lagana/Bahana/Alabama, Chalazian Cyst- Meibomian Cyst- Tarsal cyst

It is varthma Kaphaja bhedhana sadhya vyadhi.

Description :

A small cystic swelling, resembling kola phaia (Badari phala), originates in the eye lids, which is hard (kathima), stout (Sthula), painless (Avedanam ), Sticky (Pischiia), with itching sensation and doesn’t suppurate (Apkwam).

Vagbhata mentioned it is white in colour and occurs due to the vitiation of kapha dosa. “ Bhavamishra called it as nagana”

“ It is also a cystic swelling or hardtumour of meibomian glands of eye lids 

Bhedhana Sadhya vyadhi and prathisarana should do with gorochana, Yavakshara, neela tuttha pippali + Madhu and has to treat like Vrana (Ulcer)

Note : 
1) if the gland is bigger Bhedhana, kshara Karma and Agni Karma has to do.

2) Being the non suppurative cyst the treatment should be chedan lekhan and pratisaran instead of Bhedana (Others)


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