Vataj Shira Schools / Neuralgic headache, Shalakya tantra


Aetiology By Charak:

Supressing the natural urges, talking Loudly, Night arousal, indulging moresex, exposure to cold. alcoholism, head injury, fasting, weeping, wait lifting fear, anxiety, Atigoya of shodhan Karma etc., Causes the vitiation of Vata dosha, that propogates towards the head and causes vataj shiro Roga.

Description :

The Vitiated vata dosha causes head ache without obvious cause, the pain becomes more at nights and reduces by Oleation (Sneha Karma), sudation (Sweda Karma), mardana (Gentle compression), Abhyanga (Oil massage), Bandana (tieing the cloth or rope around the head), Hot therapy (ushnopachar) anq with other Vata hara treatment principles.


In addition to above description, he explained the affecting site and nature of the head ache in detail as follows. 

Severe pricking pain, is experienced at temporal region, back of the neck, Frontal region and at the root of the nose, Associated symptoms are otaligia (Kama shoola), Tinnitus (karna Nada), Pain in the eye ball, vertigo, pulsation of the vessels, neck rigidity, Lock jaw, Photophobia, dislocation of joints, Rhinorrhoea and discomfort in the body. 

Treatment of Vataj Shira shoola. 

1) Shiro abhyanga (Head massage)
2) Sneha pana (Oral intake of Oleous substances).
3) Upanaha sweda (hot applications to head)
4) Seka (pouring the medicine on the head) 
5) Lepa (medicated applications to head) 
6) Shiro Vasti (keeping of Sneha drugs on the head by special procedure)
7) Vasti (Anuvasan Vasti) 
8) Snehika Dhooma pana
9) Snehika Nasya 
10) Vata hara Aahara and Vihara. 

1. Charak suggested sneha Sweda and nasya. 

2. Sushrutha and Vagbhata suggested Vata Vyadhi chikitsa and Snehan Nasya. 

3. Chakradatta suggested Shiro vasti. 

1) Abhyanga (Massage)
With Narayan tail, mashadi taila, prasarini taila, Trivruth taila, Bala taiia etc.

2) Sneha paana (Oral administration of Sneha dravyas)
Chathur sneha (sarpi, Taila, vasa and Majja), Varunadi ghrita Or taila, Kakolyadi ghrita Or taila, Mayuradya ghrita, Maha Mayuradya ghrita, Bala taila, Trivruth taila, cow milk and ghee should be given at nights.

3) Upanaha sweda (Application of Medicated paste in hot condition)

1) Agaru, should be fried in Oil and applied.
2) Application of Jeevak, Rushabhak, Meda, Maha Meda, Kakoli, Ksheera Kakoii, mashapami, mudga parni, Jeevanthi, Yastimadu etc.
3) Fried flesh of fish (Matsya mamsa)
4) Payasa Krushara and saindhava lavana
5) Other vata hara dravya.

4) Lepa (External applications)

1) Kustadi lepam (Kusta, erenda moola grinded with Kanji Or takra).
2) Muchakunda pushpa kalka (Paste)
3) Kusta, erenda moola shunthi + takra.
4) Devadarvyadi Lepa (Devadaru, Tagara, Kusta, jatamamsi, Shunthi + Kanji Or Ghee).
5) Chandanadi Lepa (Chandan, Kamala, Kusta, Pippaii + water)
6) Erenda beeja, Chakra marda beeja + Kanji.

5) Nasya Yogas.

1) Snehan Or Brumhana nasya.
2) Arm taila,
3) Shatbindu taila,
4) Swaskutar rasa + water.
5) Rasnadi Taiia.
6) MayurMaha Mayura Ghrita
7) Bruhat pancha moola Ksheera
8) Varunadi Ksheera sarpi
9) Karpasabeeja, iavanga, Musta, Jathipatra + Hot water
10) The medicated oil prepared with yastimadu madhuksar, vidari, chandana Neelothphaia, jeevak, rushabhak, Draksha, Ksheera, Mamsa, Sharkara, Taiia.

6) Dhooma Pana- Snehika dhooma pana.

7) Shiro Vasti and anuvasan vasti with vata hara taila Or ghritha.

8) Seka : With Bhadradharvyadi Ksheera

9) Oral remedies Like Rasnadiguggulu Triphala gugguiu vata vidwamsini, Neurotics like bala, Ashwagandha, shatavari, Erenda, Nigundi, Rasna, Devadaru shigru, Yastimadu, Dashamoola, Masha, Rasona, Sariba, Tila Brahmi etc., are beneficial

10) Vata hara ahara and viagra should be given


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