Dhootapapeshwar Aravindasava: A Boon for Children

 Dhootapapeshwar Aravindasava: A Boon for Children


Aravindasava is an ayurvedic fermented liquid preparation enriched with the goodness of 27 herbal ingredients. It contains 5-10 % of self generated alcohol by the use of dhataki(Woodfordia fruticosa) , a flower which helps in the fermentation process. The main ingredient of Aravindasava is Aravind which is commonly known as "lotus" in English and "Kamal" in Hindi. Arvind is a sacred plant dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi Devi. All parts of Arvind have some therapeutic value.


It contains alkaloids, flavonoids which have antiviral anti-inflammatory,antipyretic anti-cancerous, immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective action. The other ingredient jatamansi is known to have neuroprotective, sedative, carminative, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties thereby making this preparation as the most prescribed medicine for GRAHA DOSHAS ie.. psychological problems seen in children like crying without reason, throwing tantrum etc.
It is a soothing preparation which improves digestive strength and most of the childhood ailments such as fever, recurrent cough or bronchitis. Hence Aravindasava is an overall medicine used for pediatric problems.


Dhootapapeshwar Aravindasava Shloka


अरविन्दमुशीर्ंच काश्मरीं नीलमुत्पलम।
मञ्जिष्ष्टैला बलामांसीरम्बुदं शारिवां शिवाम्।।
बिभीतकवचाधात्रीः शठीं श्यामां सनीलिनीम्।
पटोलं पर्पटं पार्थं मधूकं मधूकं मुराम्।।
पलमानेन संगृहय द्राक्षायाः पलविंशतिम्।
धातकीं षोडशपलां जलद्रोणद्वये क्षिपेत्।।
शर्करायास्तुलां तत्र तुलार्द्धं माक्षिकस्य च।
मांसं संस्थापयेद् भांडे मुत्तिकापरिनिर्मिते।।
बालानां सर्वरोगघ्नो बलपुष्टि अग्निवर्धनः।
अरविन्दासवः प्रोक्त आयुष्यो ग्रहदोषहृत्।।
(भैषज्यरत्नावली, बालरोगाधिकार; १८५-१८९)


Herbs/Components Used in Dhootapapeshwar Aravindasava


Aravindasava is an ayurvedic medicine that is composed of herbs:

  • Kamala
  • Ushira
  • Gambhari
  • Utpala
  • Manjishta
  • Ela
  • Bala
  • Jatamansi
  • Musta
  • Sativa
  • Haritaki
  • Bibheetaki
  • Amalaki
  • Vacha
  • Karchoora
  • Trivrut
  • Nili
  • Patola
  • Parpata
  • Arjuna
  • Madhooka
  • Yashti
  • Mura
  • Draksha
  • Dhataki
  • Sharkara
  • Madhu


Dhootapapeshwar Aravindasava Benefits


According to Ayurveda, Aravindasava works to pacify VATA dosha and balances PITTA and KAPHA dosha in the human body. This healthy nervine tonic ensures that your child gets the best care filled with nature's goodness. Aravindasava is a boon for both mother and child as it is specifically used for children who are poor eaters and it helps to pacify the crying child due to Graha Dosha.


Aravindasava for Improved Cognitive Skills
Aravindasava acts as a nervous tonic which acts on the central nervous system thereby improving the intellectual capacities of the child. Moreover, it is especially useful in behavioural disorders like autism, hyperactivity, dyslexia etc.


Aravindasava as Immunity Booster and Growth Promoter
Aravindasava contains alkaloids and flavonoids which possess immunomodulatory action which helps in fighting against the disease causing agents. It is also helpful in treating bronchitis and recurrent cough. Aravindasava is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Potassium, Magnesium , Calcium, Phosphorus etc. which are essential for the proper growth and development of the body.


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