
Showing posts from July, 2018

7th standerd Kannada medium Science 5th Chapter Energy, ಶಕ್ತಿ

7th Std Kannada medium science (ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ) 5th chapter ಶಕ್ತಿ(Energy) Lesson tutorial in Kannada Please watch video on YouTube and subscribe to my channel for more videos  Watch Here

Swedana karma

SWEDANA KARMA Sweating is the physiological process But over sweating or Absence of Sweating is patholgical, Inducing the sweating by heat application is known as swedan Karma. It is beneficial in vata kapha disorders and harmful in Pitta, Raktha disorders. Swedana is a major Poorva Karma procedure conducted after Sneha Karma and proceedes Vaman karma. It is a process in which by the application of the heat Liquification of doshas occurs that relieves stiffness, heavyness, cold and induces sweating. Being the principal Poorva Karma procedure, Swedana is also a specific treatment procedure for number of diseases like Vata Vyadhi (It is also a main therapy that is one among Shat upakramas and quite opposite to Stambana therapy). Qualities of Swedan Dravyas.  1) Ushna (Hot)  2) Teekshna (Quickly spreading)  3) Sara (Spreading nature in the all directions)  4) Snidga (oleusunctuous)  5) Rooksha (Rough opposite to snigda  6) Sukshma (penetrating into ...

KUMBHEEKA PITICA, Kumbhee Pitica, Stye or zeis gland cyst or External Hordeolum,Shalakya tantra

KUMBHEEKA PITICA (SUSHRUTHA) Kumbhee Pitica (Vagbhata)  (Stye or zeis gland cyst or External Hordeolu m). It is varthmaja sannipathaja Lekhana Sadhya vyadhi. Description :Small papules (cysts) resembling the seeds of pomegranate fruit (Kumbheeka beeja Sadrusha pitica) originates in the eye Iid margin (Varthmantha pitica), suppurates (get pakwam), discharges the fluid and bulges again (Admapayanthi bhinna). Vagbhata : Called it as Kumbhee pitica that originates in varthma due to vitiation of pitta dosha, the colour of pitica is RED AT FIRST AND THEN BECOMES BLACK. Chikitsa :Lekhana sadhya vyadhi. A) Sushrutha’s Treatment principle is like Uthsangini. B) Vagbhata’s Treatment principle is as follows := 1) Lekhana 2) pratisarana 3) sekam with Aamalaki yastimadu, patola kwatha and ghritha. Note : 1) If is the cystic swelling of zeis gland that develops at the eye iid margin, known as multiple stye or External Hordeolum 2) Some body has commented it as chaiazian (mei...

Bahala Varthma / Multiple Chalazian, Shalakya Tantra

BAHALA VARTHMA (MULTIPLE CHALAZIA)  It is Varthmaja Rakthaja Lekhana Sadhya vyadhi Description:- Hard (kathina), same coloured and same sized papules Originates in the eye lid completely and causes the eye lid thicker, is known as Bahala varthma. Chikitsa : Lekhana Sadhya Vyadhi. 1)Murudu Sweda 2) Pracchana 3) Lekhana and 4) Pratisarana After 5 to 10 minutes 5) Ushnodaka prakshalana 6) Ghritha sekam and Bandhana, has to do (Pratisarana dravyas are Manashila, Kaseesa, Shunti, Marcha, Pippali, rasanjana, Saindhava lavana + madhu) Note : Specific site of the disease is not mentioned so it can be correlated to muliple chalazia or follicular conjunctivitis or A form of trachoma CHALAZIAN CYST OR MEIBOMIAN CYST OR TARSAL CYST  It is a chronic inflammatory granuloma of meibomian gland. (Tarsal glands) PATHOLOGY: The staphylococcus is the commonest organism that enters into meibomian gland through its duct, as a result of Iow grade infection, the glandula...

Lagana/Bahana/Alabama, Chalazian Cyst- Meibomian Cyst- Tarsal cyst, Shalakya Tantra

Lagana/Bahana/Alabama, Chalazian Cyst- Meibomian Cyst- Tarsal cyst It is varthma Kaphaja bhedhana sadhya vyadhi. Description : A small cystic swelling, resembling kola phaia (Badari phala), originates in the eye lids, which is hard (kathima), stout (Sthula), painless (Avedanam ), Sticky (Pischiia), with itching sensation and doesn’t suppurate (Apkwam). Vagbhata mentioned it is white in colour and occurs due to the vitiation of kapha dosa. “ Bhavamishra called it as nagana” “ It is also a cystic swelling or hardtumour of meibomian glands of eye lids    Chikitsa: Bhedhana Sadhya vyadhi and prathisarana should do with gorochana, Yavakshara, neela tuttha pippali + Madhu and has to treat like Vrana (Ulcer) Note :  1) if the gland is bigger Bhedhana, kshara Karma and Agni Karma has to do. 2) Being the non suppurative cyst the treatment should be chedan lekhan and pratisaran instead of Bhedana (Others)

Lens, Shalakya Tantra

LENS Lens is a transparent, biconvex structure with rounded border (equator), the main function is to converge the light rays to form image on retina properly, anterior surface is less convex than posterior surface, it is kept in its position by suspensory ligaments or zonule which is extending form ciliary body, its position is posterior to iris and anterior to vitreous, it is made up of Lens fibres and enclosed in an elastic capsule. Lens axis deviates from visual axis by about 4°, underneath the lens capsule there is a single layer of cubical epithelium from which the lens fibres are developed and arranged concentrically around the axis like the scales of an onion. Central part of lens which is hard is known as nucleus and peripheral part which is soft is known as cortex. Axial diameter 3.5 to 4mm equatorial diameter 8 to 10 mm weight of lens approx 0.2 grams Volume of Lens approx 0.163 ml Parts : (1) Capsule (a) zonular lameliae or pericapsuiar layer to which suspensory li...

Uthsangini/ Uthsangini, Varthma Rogas, Shalakya Tantra

UTHSANGINI (SUSHRUTHA)/ UTHSANGA (VAGBHATA) (Chalazian cyst or meibomian cyst or Tarsal cyst) “ It is varthmaja Tridoshaja Iekhana sadhya vyadhi “ Signs symptoms : One or multiple cysts originates commonly in the lower eye lid, if multipule cysts present the bigger cyst is encircled with others. (multiple chalazia.) Description : a) Abhyanthara Mukhi : The Cyst opens toward the internal surface of eye iid (towards palpebral Conjunctiva) B) Bahya uthsanga :Cystic swelling is seen through the skin of eye lid c) Adho Varthma : Commonly originates in the lower eye lid d) Kathina : Hard Cyst e) Manda vedana with slight pain f) Sraveth sraavam Kukkutanda rasopama :Discharges fluid resembling egg yolk After suppuration or after incision, Vagbhath ;Red pitica arises due to raktha vitiation, among them a big pitica is encircled with the small piticas. He called it as uthsang. (Summary :One or multiple cystic swellings originates commonly in lower eye lid, swelling appe...

Varthma Rogas, Diseases of Eye lids, Shalakya Tantra

VARTHMA ROGAS (Diseases of eye lids)  NIDANA : Vitiated vatadi doshas individually or togetherly localise in the vessels of varthma, vitiates twak, raktha, mamsa and medas and causes different types of diseases in the eye lids: 1) Varthma rogas according to Sushruth are 21 2) Varthma rogas according to Vagbhata are 24 Sushrutha -21 1) Uthsangini 2) Kumbheeka 3) Pothaki 4) Vartma sharkara 5) Arsho varthma 6) Shushkarsha 7) Anjana namika 8) Bahala varthma 9) Varthmaavabandha 10) Varthma Kardama 11) Klistra varthma 12) Shyava Varthma 13) Praklinna varthma 14) Aklinna varthma 15) Vata hatha varthma 16) Varthma arbuda 17) Nimesha 18) Shonitarsha 19) Lagana 20) Bisa varthma 21) Pakshma kopa. Vagbhata -24 diseases : Among 24, 15 are as like Sushruta’s diseases, they are Serial numbers 1,2,3,4, (called it as Sikatha varthma), 5 (called it as varthmarsha), 7.8. 10. 12. 15. 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 (Pakshmoparoda). The Extra 9 diseases are : 1) Alaji 2) ...

Acute Primary Dacryocystitis, Shalakya Tantra

ACUTE PRIMARY DACRYOCYSTITIS   it is an acute suppurative inflammation of Lacrimal sac, commonly observed as a complication of chronic dacryocystitis (some times occur spontaneously )  Causative agents : Strepto cocCus haemolyticus, pneumo cocus and staphylo coccus aureus.  Patholoy:-The sac get full with frank pus, infection also spreads to periphery and causing pericystitis, finally lacrimal abscess forms, that bursts on the skin and cause Lacrimal fistula, as soon as pus drained out the inflammation subsides.  Symptoms : Severe pain, hot sensation over the sac area, fever and watering of eye.  Signs :1) Marked swelling, tenderness, hot and redness over the sac area  (2) oedema of eyelids  (3) No regurgitation of sac contents through punctum  (4) chemosis of conjunctiva  (5) Enlargement of sub maxillary lymphgtands  (6) Formation of Lacrimal abscess, that may burst and cause lacrimal fistuta  (7) Pati...

Dacryocystitis/ Puyalasa/ Puyasrava, Shalakya Tantra

Dacryocystitis (Puyalasa or puya srava)  it is the inflammatory condition of the Lacrimal sac Dacryo Cystitis : 1) Congenital (in the new born) 2) Primary- {Chronic, Acute 3) Secondary { in Adults, in Infants. I) Congenital dacryocystitis :This condition is due to failure in canalization of Naso Lacrimal duct, the iumen being blocked by epithelial debris Signs :( 1) Epiphora (Watering of eye) 2) Muco purulent discharge through punctum by pressing over the-sac area. 3) Slight distention of Lacrimal sac 4) The discharge is sterile at first later becomes infected Symptoms :- Discomfort, watering , foul sticky discharge at inner canthus Treatment. : 1) Sharp pressure over the sac area, 5 to 6 times a day to evacuate the pus and has to put antibiotic drops, 2) By gentle pressure over sac area may force the sac contents down, thus the patency of Naso Lacriamal duct is achieved. 3) Probing of Naso Lacrimal duct has to do, if delayed causes cic...

Watering of eye (Netra Sravas)/ Epiphora Lacrimation, Shalakya Tantra

WATERING OF EYE (NETRA SRAVAS) (EPIPHORA LACRIMATION)  a) Epiphora : -Means watering of eyes due to obstruction to out flow of tears through lacrimal apparatus into inferior meatus of 'nose b) Lacrimation means watering of eyes to excessive secretion of tears. Causes of epiphora  1) Stenosis of the punctum, particularly the lower punctum either Congenitally or Acquired 2) Evertion of the lower punctum due to laxity of orbicularis occuli muscle as in old age, facial paralysis and ectropion. 3) Obstruction in Lacrimal canaliculi due to calculus or infection by Fungus etc. 4) obstruction in the sac due to tumour of the sac or following removal of the sac. 5) Obstruction in the nasoLacrimal duct due to chronic dacryo cystitis, nasal polyp, maxillary antrum tumour which is pressing on the duct. Causes 1) Reflex causes : (a) Due to sensory stimulation of the structures of the eye ball. eg :corneal foreign body, corneal ulcer, Keratitis, exposure to dust, smoke or i...

Krimija Shiro (Blepharitis), Shalakya Tantra

KRIMIGRANDHI (BLEPHARITIS) Yogaratnakar called it as Jantha grandi It is kaphaja Bhedan Sadhya vyadhi affected sandhi is “Pakshma varthma; “sandhi” (eye lids margins) but according to vagbhata affected sandhi is “Kaneenika and Aganaga Sandhi “ (inner and outer canthus). Description :  Different types of Micro organisms, parasites, maggots etc, by vitiating pakshma varthma sandhi (kaneenika apanga sandhi by vagbhata) Produces smaller cysts, on the eye lid margin the infection(Krimi) spreads. into the varthma shukla sandhi and interior of eye. The associated symptoms are 1) Irritation 2) discomfort 3) itching sensation 4) Burning sensation 5) Falling of eye lashes 6) Purulent secretion from the lesion (eye lid margin) Treatment (chikitsa): 1)Swedan 2) Bhedan 3) Prathisaran with Saindhava lavan + madu 4) Anjan with the varthi prepared with triphala, tuttha, kaseesa and saindhava lavana. Note :  It is corelated to Blepharits (Inflammation of lid margin), it ne...

Chikitsa, Kayachikitsa

CHlKlTSA Nirukti : Etymology Chikitsa is that Which removes disease. The word chikitsa is formed by the root word ‘kit rogapanayane’ Procedures that destroy the pathogenesis are called as Chikitsa. (Bhavaprakasha) That which destroyes or remove disease. That which prevents disease. Chikitsa also means that which removes the causative factors or the etiology of the disease. (Vaidyaka Shabda Sindhu) Chikitsa also means that which destoryes pain. (Amarakosha) Paryaya : Synonyms  Upachara : that resists diseases, Rukpratikriya : that removes pain, Rogapanayanam : that brings relief to diseases, Vyadhiharam : that destroys diseases, Pathya : do’s and don’ts. This actually means all food, herbs or medicines Which is compatible to health. Sadhan : That Which aim at pacification of the cause and its effect -disease. Aushadha : means bheshaja or medicine. Prayashchitta : it is understood that the suffering from the disease, destroys the sin. Prashamana : ...

Kaya, Kayachikitsa

KAYA Nirukti : Etymology Kaya means body, in Which asthi etc. is accumulated. Kaya developes due to the effect of food that we ingest. The Sanskrit verb-root ‘chin chayane’ means to collect (food or nutrition). This means that body takes in food and after its assimilation it builds up various tissues. Hence the whole process of metabolism is understood by the term ‘kaya’. In another etymology it has been explained that kaya or body is that which after assimilating the food, forms dosha, dhatu and mala. Kaya means agni or digestive fire in the body. Kaya also means mind and the psychological constitution which is produced due to the predominance of sattva, rajas and tamas. Kaya also means agni or the body. Paryaya : Synonyms 1.Kalevara (Amarkosha): Effect of combination of shukra and shonita. 2.Gatra (Shabdastoma Mahanidhi) :That which moves. 3. Vapu : That which carries. 4. Samhananam ( 4/35) : That which is formed by the proper combination of five elements....

Introduction to Kayachikitsa

Introduction to Kayachikitsa Kayachikitsa is one of the most important topics of the eight branches or Ashtangas of Ayurveda. Historical Development People living at the foot of the Himalayas started suffering from various diseases due to improper food, and air and water pollution. To find out the solution for treating these diseases, the first infernational conference of scientists from adjoining countries was organized. Three scientists were chosen from the conference to interview the Himalayan Gods to learn the knowledge ofAyurveda. These three scientists were  Atreya, Kashyapa and Dhanvantari. Atreya mainly studied Kayachikitsa or Internal Medicine, Kashyapa learned Gynecology and Pediatrics, and Dhanvantri mastered the Science of Surgery. The Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhata or Ashtanga Sangraha, are known as ‘Brihat Trayi’ are three importanttexts. The six disciples of Atreya who developed. the school of medicine (Atreya-sampradaya), namely Agriivesha...

Lung Abscess, Shalya Tantra

LUNG ABSCESS Localised lung infections leading to necrosis of lung tissue, result in the appearance of lung abscess. The infection causes thrombosis of segmental artery and vein resulting in necrosis. The commoaest cause of lung abscess is pneumoma secondary to aspiration of gastric contents. The other causes bemg septic emboli, penetrating injuries, chronic upper respiratory tract infections etc. Clinical features- (i) Patient is ill for few days with dry cough and pleural pain (ii) Once the abscess ruptures into bronchus, patient complains of expectoration of large quantity of sputum which is Offensive, containing pus and blood. Management- Majority of lung abscesses canbe managed by medicines. The main methodologies involved are (i) Intense antibiotic therapy (ii) Adequate drainage of abscess cavity through postural means Culture and sensitivity test of the sputum indicates the appropriate antibiotic to be prescribed. The prescribed antibiotic should be ad...

Empyema Thoracic, Shalya Tantra

EMPYEMA THORACIC Collections of pus (purulent fluid) in the pleural Space is defined as empyema. Empyema is always secondary to pyogenic infections of the neighbouring structures, the mOSt common being lobar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, tuberculesis; bronchopleural fistula,'oesophageal perfoxration, infected lymph nodes, osteomyelitis of thoracic vertebrae, subphrenic abscess, trauma, osteomyelitis of ribs etc. The commonly involved organisms are staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, pseudomonas, Esch. coli etc. . As the infections reach the pleural cavity, due to inflammation, protien rich fluid is exudated. This is replaced by fibrin, which causes adhesion of pleural layers at the periphery of collected fluid. Gradually granulation tissue is formed which is than replaced by fibrous tissue. As the empyema is covered by adhesions. The fluid within gradually thickens. Gradually, as the lung is covered by a tough fibrous covering. The affected segme...

Gynaecomastia, Shakya Tantra

GYNAECOMASTIA When there is a breast-like swelling in the males, the condition is termed gynaecomastia. Though the breast may be enlarged, the areola and nipple may not show the characteristic feminine features. This maybe unilateral or bilateral. Slight swelling of breasts in adolescent boys is sometimes a common feature. This is secondary to hormonal changes, typical of adolescence. Oestrogen excess or defeciency of testosterone or testicular failure or drugs with oestrogenic activity etc are the main aetiological factors. The main complaint of the patient is generally a unilateral enlargement of breast with no associated symptoms. Sometimes this abnormal enlargement maybe associated with pain. Management Many times the disease resolves on its own. Hence one can wait to observe the regression of the condition. But if the condition is due to deficiency of testosterone, its administration can ensure regression of the enlargement. If the exact reason cannot be identified and ...

Krimija Shiro Roga, Shiro Roga, Shalakya tantra

KRIMIJA SHIRO ROGA A person who is habitated to take the food which is uncompatible, indigested undigested, excessive, un hygienic, sweety, sticky, like Tile Guda dadhi Oieus substances etc, causes tridosha vitiation. The Vltiated Trldosha produce Krimi in the shiras ahd causes terrific headache by eroding the soft tissue flesh and blood of shiras. Sushrutha :- A person experiences pricking and cutting type of pain in the head and also experiences that Krimi is eroding or eating the brain tissue. The associated symptoms are nasal blood stained discharge and discomfort. Vagbhata : Tridosha vitiate and produces the krimi in the shiras that destructs the flesh, soft tissue and blood and causesterrific pain in the head. The associated symptoms are Manovibrama (confusion state) Fever, cough, general debility, Oedema, roughness of body, cutting pricking throbbing burning type of pain, itching sensation at head palate and the scalp, Tinnitus, Foul smel and blood stained nasal discha...

Kshayaja Shiro Roga (Shiro Shoola)

KSHAYAJA SHIRO ROGA (SHIRAH SHOOLA)  The Kapha dosha, Raktha dosha and Vasa get reduced (kshayam),head is injured and produces a terrific complicated headache known as Kshayaja shirah shoola. The disease aggravates by sweda (Sudatlon), Vaman ( Emesis), Nasya, Rakthamokshan (Blood letting process) and Dhoompana (medicated smoking) why because all these are shodhan karma cause depletion of dosha and dhathu, allready there is dhathu kshaya in this disease, so only all the above pancha Karma therapies are contra indicated. According to Charak : Vata pitta kapha doshas are depleted and cause derangement of the normal functions of Shiras, so only produces terrific headache. The common symptoms are headache, bodypains, vertigo, lightness in the head and body, general debility and unconsciousness. Treatment : 1) Brumhana Chikitsa. 2) Ora! intake of ghee and milk. 3) Oral administration of Ashwagandadi ghritha,vasaghritha, Pancha tikta Ghritha, Brahmi ghritha, Ghee + Guda o...

Sannipataja Shirah Shoola, Shira Roga, Shalakya Tantra

SANNIPATHAJ SHIRAH SHOOLA.  All the mixed signs and symptoms of Tridosha present. Chikitsa : 1) Tridosha hara Chikitsa 2) Oral intake of purana ghritha Or Triphala Ghritha. 3) Nasya yoga 1) Hot milk + Shunthi 2) Jeevakadi Shatahvadi Taila 3) Madan Phala, shigru beeja, Kusta, TIIa, jatamamsi, Tutta etc., drugs 4) Karanja, Shunthi, Shigrubeeja, vacha, milk and sugar. 4) Lepa (Luke warm applications) with, 1) Swetha chandana, karpoora, sariba, priyang, haridra, Shunthi and Old rice. 2) Priyang, Ananthmool, Nishotha, Shunthi, Chandan.' 3) Kusta, Shunthi, Yastimadu, Shatapushpi, kamal, Pippali.

Raktaja Shirah Shoola, Shiro Roga, Shalakya Tantra

RAKTAJ SHIRAH SHOOLA (Headache due to acute alcoholism and Hypertension.)  The Vitiated raktha dosha causes the terrific head ache. The signs symptoms and treatment is similar to pittaja shirah shoola. The seveority of the symptoms is more than pittaja shirah shoola (Severe burning pain in the head eyes nose and throat) the additional symptom is tenderness of the head (Sparshasahi shnutha) and occassionally epistaxis also occurs. The patient feels comfort by cool therapy and at nights. Treatment : A) External applications:- 1) Like Pittaja shirah shoola. 2) Ksheeri sarpi. 3) Shigru patra swarasa + Maricha Churna, 4) Pippali, Shunthi, Yastimadu, Shatavari, Musta, Uthphaia, Kuruveru + water. 5) Kantakari Phala swarasa 6) Amalaki, Dhava, Khaskhas, Sariba, Kamala, Draksha + Gulabjal B) Nasya 1) Pippali saindhavalavan + Ghee. 2) Ksheeri sarpi 3) Yastyadi Ghrita Ortaila 4) Shatbindu taila 5) Yastimadu, Aamalaki swarasa + Honey 6) Shunthi + Milk 7) Dadima Pushpa Sw...

Kaphaja Shirah Shoola, Shiro Roga, Shalakya Tantra

KAPHAJ SHIRAH SHOOLA. (Headache due to Cold and Sinusitis.)  Excessive sleeping, sitting, intake of heavy bulk oily food etc. causes the Kapha dosha vitiation. The Vitiated Kapha dosha causes headache, heavyness, rigidity, coldness of hands and body, Oedema of Face and eye ball. The head and throat appears as lined with thick sputum. The disease (headache) is severe at nights and minimum at day time . it is controlled by Hot therapy (ushnopachar) and by kapha hara treatment principles. Charak added Tandra Alasya and Aruchi Vagbhat added Mandaruja, karnaKandooyan and Vaman. Treatment Principles : 1) Ghrita pana 2) Upavasa, 3) Ruksha Ushna Sweda, 4) Vaman with Katu Dravya. 5) Pradaman nasya 6) Teekshna Gandoosha 7) Teekshna dhooma pana. 8) Anjan, 9) Lepa, 10) Rakthamokshan 11) Daha Karma, 12) Kapha hara Aahara Vihar (Trikatu, Yava, Yavakshara, Patola, yoosha, Kulutta, Mudga, Purana Ghritha, honey, intake of light non-oleus and hot food, intake of katu Tikta ...

Pittaja Shira Shoola, Shirodkar Rogas, Shalakya Tantra

PITTAJA SHIRAH SHOOLA A person who takes katu Amla kshara food excessively, and have the anger and fear, exposure to over heat etc. causes the pitta dosha vitiation and manifest severe burning pain in the head eyes nose and throat ‘'Dhoomayan Agnidagdha Vath Peeda”. The patient feels comfort by cool therapy (Sheetopachar) and at nights. Additional points of Vabhata- Burning pain, Fever, Virtigo, Sweating and Finally causes unconsciousness. Teatment :  Note: Pittaja and Raktaja shirah shoola contain similar treatment principles 1) Rakta and pitta dosha hara Chikitsa 2) Panchakarma except Vamana. 3) Seka: with ghee or Milk or sugar cane juice or Honey sugarwater or Kanji or decoctions of Sheetha Veerya Aushada Like uthpaiadi, Kakolyadi drugs. 4) Lepa : (External application of the medicine) a) Amalakyadi Lepa. b) With the paste of Nala, Vetas, Uthphala, musta Swetha chandan, Padmaka, Vamshi, Doorva, Yastimadu, Kamala + Water + Ghee. c) With the paste of Chand...

Vataj Shira Schools / Neuralgic headache, Shalakya tantra

VATAJ SHIRA SHOOLA (NEURALGIC HEAD ACHE)  Aetiology By Charak: Supressing the natural urges, talking Loudly, Night arousal, indulging moresex, exposure to cold. alcoholism, head injury, fasting, weeping, wait lifting fear, anxiety, Atigoya of shodhan Karma etc., Causes the vitiation of Vata dosha, that propogates towards the head and causes vataj shiro Roga. Description : The Vitiated vata dosha causes head ache without obvious cause, the pain becomes more at nights and reduces by Oleation (Sneha Karma), sudation (Sweda Karma), mardana (Gentle compression), Abhyanga (Oil massage), Bandana (tieing the cloth or rope around the head), Hot therapy (ushnopachar) anq with other Vata hara treatment principles. Vagbhata: In addition to above description, he explained the affecting site and nature of the head ache in detail as follows.  Severe pricking pain, is experienced at temporal region, back of the neck, Frontal region and at the root of the nose, A...

General knowledge of Ghritha, Panchakarma

Ghrita is one among the Jangama Sneha and it is best among all the Sneha because of it's Samskaarasya Anuvartanat property. Classification- Shriya is of two types 1. Ksheerottha Shriya prepared from Navaneeta obtained from churning milk. it's Sangrahi, Rakta pitta prashamaka, useful in Bhrama, Morcha and Netra roga. 2.Dadhyottha- Shriya prepared from Navaneeta obtained by churning curd. Rasa : Madhura Guna : Soumya, Mrudu, Guru, Anabhishyandi Veerya : Sheeta Veepak : Madhura Doshagnata : vata pitta prashamana, kaphavardhaka Karma : snehana, agni, deepana, balakara, ayushya, vrushya, medhya, vayasthapana, chakshusya.

Properties of Mahasneha, Panchakarma

  Sarpi, Taila, Vasa and Majja are considered best among all the Snehas. Among the  four. Sarpi is considered best because of  its Samskaarasya any attachments property and also due to it's Madhura, avidaaha property and Saranya since birth.

Sneha yoni / Snehaashaya, Panchakarma

Sneha dravyas are obtained from its two natural sources namely:- 1. Sthavara- plant source 2. Jangama- animal source Sthavara Sneha-  The oil extracted from the seeds of certain plants is used for snehana- Tila (sesamum) Bilwa Priyala Aaruka Abhishuka Moolaka Bibhitaka Atari Citraa Nikochaka Abhaya Akshoda Eranda Karanja Madhuka Shigaru Sarshapa Kusumbha Out of these, Tila Taila is considered best for imparting strength and Eranda Taila is the best of purgatives. Jangama Sneha (Animal source)-  The source of jangama Sneha are matsya, mruga and pakshi, dadhi, kaheera, Ghritha, Amisha, Vasa and majja. According to sushruta the source of Sneha are two and it has four Vikalpa

Snehana, Panchakarma

स्नेहनं स्नेहविष्यन्दमाद्रवक्लेदकारकम Snehana is the procedure which brings snigdhata, vishyandata, mardavata and kledatva to the body. It is done in two ways, internally e.g. by oral administration of oily substances and externally by abhyanga, pariseka etc.

Gokak falls Gokak Belagavi, Karnataka India Tourist place

Gokak falls, Karnataka The  Gokak Falls  is a  waterfall  located on the  Ghataprabha River  in  Belagavi  district of  Karnataka ,  India . The waterfall is six kilometers away from  Gokak  town. After a long winding course, the Ghataprabha river takes a leap of 52 metres (171 ft) over the sand-stone cliff amidst a picturesque  gorge  of the rugged  valley , resembling  Niagara Falls  on a smaller scale. The waterfall is  horse shoe  shaped at the crest, with a flood breadth of 177 metres (581 ft). During  rainy season , the thick reddish brown water sweeps far over the brink of the cliff with a dull roar that can be heard from some distance. There is a hanging  bridge across the river, measuring about 201 metres (659 ft). Its height above the rock bed is 14 metres (46 ft). There is an old electricity generation station and electricity was generated here ...

Thyroiditis, shalya tantra

1. Chronic lymphocitic thyroiditis:-   This is common condition is associated with raised titres of thyroid antibodies. It presents as multinodular goitre with established or subclinical thyroid failure. Primary myxoedema without detectable thyroid enlargement represents the terminal stage the pathological process. Clinical features:- Gradual and asymptomatic or sudden and painful Mild hyperthyroidism initialy, hypothyroidism sets in gradually. Goitre is lobulated, diffused or localised to one lobe Commonest in women, at menopause. On investigation, raised titres of thyroid antibodies are present. FNAC is the confirmatory procedure. Treatment:- Full replacement dosage of thyroxine for hypothyroidism  Steroid therapy, if thyroid enlarges inspite of harmone treatment . In case , thyroid enlarges causing discomfort, thyroidectomy is advised. 2.Granulomatous thyroiditis  Caused due to a virus infection C/F- Fever, malaise, pain in neck; with a firm, ...

Paratendinitis, shalya Tantra, Ayurveda

Is inflamation of the investing paratend on and maybe diagnosed by eliciting tenderness around the full circumference of the tendon. It is an extremely painful conditionParatendinitis responds well to anti inflamatory analgesics, local massage, local injection of an anaesthetic and cortico steroid into the paratendon.


Are dry, rough excerscence on the skin. It is a virus indused toumer that undergoes spontanous resolustion. Transmission is by direct or intimate contact, the various matereal usually being inoculated through an  abrassion.  It is observed that immino compromised pationts generally appear on site of trauma viz bearded area, hand, feet and genital region. Wharts are common in chidren, but can be seen in any age. They maybe sometimes associated with pain. Planter warts are multiple andsome times associated with pain. Plantar warts are multiple and sometimes affect mobility as well. Though many methods of management are available, complete cure is sometimes not possible. Surgical excision is associated with  scarring and reoccurence. Diathermygive god results  along with cryotherapy. Veneral warts and moist warts occur in the genital region.

Frozen Shoulder, shalya Tantra

The exact cause is not clearly undrstood. Many causes have been put forward viz. , bicipital tinosinovitis, injury or overuse causing degeneration of tendon of supraspinatus or low grade chronic inflamation , leading to adhesions and formation of fibrous tissue etc. Clinical Features- History of trauma which many times maybe minor. pain around shoulder joint. Pain is felt above the greater tuberosity, whichh then radiates along the  outer tuberosity, which then radiates along the outerside of arm and forearm. gradualy pain becomes severe, especially during nights. Gradually, as the pain reduces stiffness increases. Gradually, the stiffness reduces, to restore the normal range of movement. Management- Infra-red heat thearpy. Anti inflamatory analgesics. Active and regular exercise. Injection of local anesthesia and hydrocortisone.

Vrana Sotha, Shakya Tantra

Vrana or an ulcer is formed secondary to inflammation (paka) of a swelling. Since this swelling is for the causation of a vrana or leads to the formation of an ulcer, it is called vrana shotha. Vrana sotha is that condition, which is characterised by the following features:- Like in granthi, vidradhi, Alaji etc there is a swelling It is hard (granthita) It is regular or irregular (Sama/visama) Located in the plane of skin and muscles (twak Mansa sthayi) It is localised lesion. Though it is also a swelling, it is different from granthi, vidradhi or Alaji. Thus here vrana sotha indicates the inflammatory stage, which leads to the causation of a localised collection of pus, which once suppurated or improperly treated causes ulcer (vrana). Thus  Vrana sotha --> Vidradhi --> Vrana The causes may be either intrinsic (due to vitiated dosa) or extrensic (agantuja). Note-   When trauma, chemicals, heat or any other causes, produces injury to the tissue, a...

Alaji, Advanced condition of Phlyctelunar Conjunctivitis, Shalakya Tantra,BAMS

Alaji Advanced condition of Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis It is the advanced stage of Pravani in which all the symptoms appear more severely than Pravani, affected sandhi is Krishna Shukla Sandhi. According to sushruta Kaneenika Sandhi according to Vagabhata, it is deep rooted infection with more pain and burning said to be incurable disease.                                                                   Comparison Pravani                                                  Alaji Smaller nodule.                                      Bigger nodule Superficial lesion         ...